
WRT Vision: The vision is to assure safety, reliability, affordability and comfort to every passenger.

Mission: To get everyone where they need to go, and to get them there on time!

Employee nontaxable qualified transportation fringe benefits(QTF)

Section 132(f) of federal tax law allows employers to pay for transit and parking cost using pretax dollars. By using pretax dollars, employees can save up to 40% annually on their commuting cost while also reducing your company’s payroll taxes. Congress adjust these pre taxes annually and for 2023, the monthly amount is $300 for transit and $300 for parking. Companies offering this program save money through lower federal and state employment taxes.

Jobs First Program

These days it can be challenging finding a way to work, so with a signed contract, WRT would like to offer a helping hand. WRT will offer a free round trip bus ride to anyone in the communities we serve, who is unemployed and needs transportation to an interview or orientation.

WRT makes it easy for your employees or customers, to enjoy the benefits of our transit services. WRT make it easy for your organization to implement a customized program for your business.

How can we help drive your business?